Depending on the bills, different things can happen if you fail to pay them. In some cases, your service provider will just temporarily disconnect you, while in others, you might be even taken to small claims court. Some providers will leave it to a collection agency to handle the situation. Should something like this happen, you need to be prepared and act accordingly. Here’s what you should do when going up against a collection agency.
- Find out more about collection agencies and how they operate
- Keep a record so collectors cannot wrong you
- Offer to pay a part of your debt for a start
Even though it is their job to do anything they can to make you settle the debt, there are still certain things that collection agencies are not allowed to do. Make sure you do some research, so you know what they are allowed to demand in your situation . The most important question to answer is whether they can take you to court. This is possible if you have an unpaid phone bill, for instance.
Keep a record so collectors cannot wrong you
When dealing with a debt collection agency, the safest way to protect yourself is to have a paper payday loans South Carolina trail of everything. Continue reading “Find out more about collection agencies and how they operate”