This is a very important distinction between what I was doing and a stored program computer

This is a very important distinction between what I was doing and a stored program computer

The human brain similarly can handle information from a vast number of different contexts without having to be pre-programmed for each particular context that might occur

Difference #8: Unlike computers, processing and memory are performed by the same components in the brain I doubt that that the brain uses exactly the same proteins and other chemicals in exactly the same way for both processing and memory. If you concede this point a and that the brains cells have different mechanisms operating in the same aboxa – the analogy is with a computer on a single chip a which also has everything in the same box. Difference # 9: The brain is a self-organizing system At the processor level the stored program computer is not designed to be self-organising a so one would not expect it to be! My system was designed to model the way the human thought about his problems and the processing of the facts was completely automatic in that the decision making unit mechanism organised information is a way which was independent of the task.

The computer requires a precise pre-definition of the task it has to perform before it can do anything. My approach involves the decision making unit scanning and comparing structured sets in a way that solutions happen to fall out in the process [would you condiser this to be self-organising? The final version of my system had several features which could be called directed self-organisation of the knowledge base a allowing information to become more or less easy to find depending on its usage history.

I must admit I had never thought of implementing it in a way that it reorganised the user’s information without the user being in control a If the system worked this was I suppose you might call that aFree Willa

Because I was looking at a system to help humans I felt it was important that the triggering such a process should be under human control. Difference # 10: Brains have bodies This relates to the input and output of stimuli with the outside world a and I would not expect there to be close similarities between a biological and electronic system. Continue reading “This is a very important distinction between what I was doing and a stored program computer”