This new multi-skills phase-prepared Bayesian condition-room patterns (SSM) discussing the breeding techniques of black colored-browed albatross population

This new multi-skills phase-prepared Bayesian condition-room patterns (SSM) discussing the breeding techniques of black colored-browed albatross population

Figure 1. Two separate SSMs were set up, one for females and the other for males. The models were applied to all encounter histories of females and males, including those with zero and multiple lover-changes. For clarity, the model diagram is divided in two panels. In (a), we represent the transitions of the ‘old’ states and the first year ‘new’ states. In (b), we depict the transitions of the ‘new’ states, which revert to ‘old’ after the third breeding attempt (see below and §2d in the main text). Continue reading “This new multi-skills phase-prepared Bayesian condition-room patterns (SSM) discussing the breeding techniques of black colored-browed albatross population”