Beastie Boys, 1980s.
Hell yes! The Beastie Boys were musical enigmas when they emerged on the New York musical scene. The grouped formed in July 1981 and were heavily influenced by the hardcore punk scene – and even supported such acts as Bad Brains, the Dead Kennedys, and the Misfits.
Musically, all things changed in 1983 when the band recorded the hip hop track: Cooky Puss. The song became a hit in the New York underground scene. Due to their Cooky Puss success, they began to incorporate more rap into their sets and decided to hire a DJ for their live shows. That DJ was the now legendary producer – Rick Rubin; who began producing their records and launching their career into super-stardom. After moving into rap, the three Beasties adopted their own hip hop monikers: Mike D, MCA and Ad-Rock.
Okay, we have some photos that will have you doing double-takes on first viewing. Did you know that sexy pop culture icon, Raquel Welch, was considered for the role of Mary Anne on Gilligan’s Island? Well, we got her audition photo. What about Michael Meyers enjoying a Dr. Pepper while taking a break from filming the original Halloween movie. Yup, that’s in our gallery as well. Also, we have Tom Hanks in a karate outfit fighting Fonzi, Bruce Lee wearing the coolest clothes you’ve ever seen, Elvis Presley meeting comedian Rodney Dangerfield – as well as dozens and dozens of photos that will blow your mind and provide you with trivia facts to keep everyone in work carpool interested. Continue reading “Lynda Carter and skateboarders in the “Wonder Woman” episode called ‘Skateboard Wiz’ in 1978″