I would also sit him down and have an honest conversation about how heavily this is weighing on your heart (and your bank account)
Help! My husband is 26 and has been jobless since . He’s applied for things but hasn’t taken it seriously, and his unemployment ran out long ago. He has struggled with anxiety, which I’m sympathetic to, and I know can make some jobs difficult. But at this point it feels like he’s using it as a crutch. He refuses to apply to any job he feels is beneath him or will make him uncomfortable. I asked him to apply for disability if he feels his anxiety is too bad to work. He refused and said his anxiety isn’t that bad.
I am a 24-year-old woman and make a very small wage at a local nonprofit. He currently has zero income and I am supporting both of us. I’m paying for our house, cars and daily living expenses plus I’m also paying back his $80,000 in student loans for a degree he’s not using. At this point, I struggle to feel bad for him even though I know anxiety is hard.
What should I do? I can’t pin him down and force him to fill out applications. I can’t stop feeding him. I can’t let bills go unpaid. I’ve tried encouraging him. I’ve tried helping him find jobs and filling out applications with him. I’ve sent him job links. I’ve followed up with him to try to keep him accountable. Nothing I do helps. I feel hopeless and helpless. I know we said for richer or poorer, but I didn’t think I’d grow up to be a piggy bank. Am I in the wrong somehow?”
It is not fair for you to be floating all of the expenses, and especially not his student loans for a degree that is not being used (talk about an expensive piece of paper!
Answer: It sounds like you are dealing with quite the relationship dilemma, and I myself would struggle if I were in your shoes. Continue reading “Unemployed husband won’t take his job search seriously, has me paying his loans. What should I do?”