Today Tinder still skews DC that is young—in % of users are under 34—but it has a healthy and balanced cohort of fans outside its very early adopters within the iPhone generation.

Today Tinder still skews DC that is young—in % of users are under 34—but it has a healthy and balanced cohort of fans outside its very early adopters within the iPhone generation.

For divorcés trying to get lucky—in a dating landscape that has changed drastically from the time they married 10 or two decades ago—the application might have all sorts of appeal.

it will take just a few mins to create your bare-bones profile with a photograph, age, and pithy phrase of bio. Continue reading “Today Tinder still skews DC that is young—in % of users are under 34—but it has a healthy and balanced cohort of fans outside its very early adopters within the iPhone generation.”