I respect all your comments, they are all great

I respect all your comments, they are all great

Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography. This is an important and complicated subject. I wish you well on your ongoing journey.

I love this idea !

Wonderful project.I hope,however,you consider photographing state recognized tribes in the future. We’re proud and important too…:-> Looking forward to seeing the full exhibit!

Blaming the whiteman for our problems? All that is asked, is that the fact Natives experienced genocide at the hands of your intruder ancestors be acknowledged. Thats it. If you look closely at the pictures we have adapted. In the beginning the choice was not made by our own free will, there is a differece between forced assimilation and adapting. No one ever tells Jewish people “shut up and get over it” concering the Holocaust. We experienced our own Holocaust. Some respect and acknowledgement would be nice. But i digress, these pictures are a celebration of our lives. I dont blame anyone for what was in the past, let us build towards the future.

I am Apache and will die an Apache no matter what image is used to represent my people. Today we are successful because we refused to become what the outside world tried to portray us as in the media. But we remain a people who still follow our traditions and survive in modern day times in many professions. I am glad someone if portraying us as we are today and it is long overdue. Continue reading “I respect all your comments, they are all great”