The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors guidelines

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors guidelines

A point that is starting a discussion of authorship could be the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. In 1978, a small set of editors of general medical journals met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia, to determine guidelines for the format of manuscripts submitted to their journals. The group became referred to as Vancouver Group. Its requirements for manuscripts, including formats for bibliographic references manufactured by the National Library of Medicine, were first published in 1979. The Vancouver Group evolved and expanded into the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which meets annually. The ICMJE gradually has broadened its concerns to include principles that are ethical to publication in biomedical journals. Over time, ICMJE has issued updated versions of exactly what are called Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals along with other statements relating to editorial policy. Probably the most update that is recent in November 2003. Approximately 500 journals that are biomedical into the guidelines.

Based on the ICMJE guidelines:

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  • Authorship credit ought to be according to 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of information; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important content that is intellectual and 3) final approval associated with version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3.
  • When a sizable, multi-center group has conducted the job, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These people should fully meet the criteria for authorship defined above and editors will ask these people to complete journal-specific author and conflict of great interest disclosure forms. When submitting a bunch author manuscript, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the most well-liked citation and may clearly identify all individual authors along with the group name. Journals will generally list other people in the group when you look at the acknowledgements. The National Library of Medicine indexes the combined group name additionally the names of an individual the group has identified as being directly accountable for the manuscript.
  • Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or supervision that is general of research group, alone, will not justify authorship.
  • Each author must have participated sufficiently into the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.
  • Your order of authorship in the byline must be a decision that is joint of co-authors. Authors should really be ready to explain the order for which authors are listed.
  • All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship must certanly be placed in an acknowledgments section.

C. Issues with ICMJE recommendations

Two major issues with the ICMJE guidelines are that lots of members of the community that is scientific unaware of them and lots of scientists usually do not sign up for them. Based on Stanford University’s Mildred Cho and Martha McKee, writing in Science’s Next Wave in 2002, a 1994 study indicated that 21% of authors of basic science papers and 30% of authors of clinical studies had no involvement within the conception or design of a project, the style regarding the study, the analysis and interpretation of data, or even the writing or revisions. Actual practice, it appears, disagrees with ICMJE recommendations.

Eugene Tarnow, writing in Science and Ethics in 2002, reports findings related to your 1994 study. He cited a 1992 study of 1,000 postdoctoral fellows at the University of California, San Francisco, for which less than half knew about any university, school, laboratory, or departmental guidelines for research and publication. Half thought that being head associated with the laboratory was sufficient for authorship, and slightly fewer believed that getting funding was enough for authorship.

A report by Tarnow of postdoctoral fellows in physics within the 1990s also shows divergences from ICMJE precepts and points with other concerns about authorship into the sciences. Tarnow discovered that 74% associated with the postdoctoral fellows failed to recognize the American Physical Society’s guidelines or thought it absolutely was vague or open to interpretations that are multiple. Half the guidelines were thought by the respondents suggested that obtaining funding was sufficient for authorship, although the other half did not. The findings also revealed that in 75% associated with postdoc-supervisor relationships authorship criteria had not been discussed; in 61% the postdoc’s criteria were not “clearly agreed upon”; plus in 70% regarding the relationships the criteria for designating other authors was not “clearly agreed upon.”

Clearly, different laboratories have different practices about who should always be included as an author on a paper. At some institutions, it’s quite common for heads of departments to be listed as authors, as so-called “guest authors” or “gift authors essay writer,” although they have never directly contributed to your research. At other institutions, laboratory heads would routinely include as authors technicians and also require performed many experiments but may not have made a significant contribution that is intellectual a paper, although some would give a technician only an acknowledgment at the end of a paper. Some academic supervisors may have their graduate students collect data, do research, and jot down results, yet not provide them with credit on a paper, although some can give authorship credit to students. Some foreigners in the usa may feel obligated to place mentors from their house countries on a paper and even though they did not be involved in the study.

Alternatives to ICMJE

Another problem with the ICMJE guidelines which includes come up is the fact that each author may possibly not be in a position to take full responsibility for the totality of a paper. In a day and age of increasing specialization, one person knowing all of the statistical analyses and scientific methodology that went into getting good results can be unlikely. Some journals, such as the British Medical Journal and Lancet, have turned away from the idea of an author and instead think in terms of someone who is willing to take responsibility for the content of the paper as a result. The Journal associated with American Medical Association also now requires authors to submit a form attesting towards the nature of their contribution to a paper.

The British Medical Journal says that listing authorship according to ICMJE guidelines does not clarify who is responsible for overall content and excludes those whose contribution has been the collection of data. The journal lists contributors in two ways: it publishes the authors’ names at the beginning of the paper, and lists contributors, some of whom may not be included as authors, at the end, and provides details of who planned, conducted, and reported the work as a result. More than one of the contributors are thought “guarantors” of this paper. The guarantor must provide a written statement she accepts full responsibility for the conduct of the study, had access to the data, and controlled the decision to publish that he or. BMJ says that researchers must determine among themselves the particular nature of each person’s contribution, and encourages discussion that is open all participants.

American Psychological Association excerpt on publications.
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A clause concerning contributorship: “Editors are strongly encouraged to build up and implement a contributorship policy, as well as a policy on identifying who is in charge of the integrity of the work as a whole. with additional awareness of the issue, ICMJE now has with its guidelines”

E. Other authorship responsibilities

Besides clarifying the issue of who is an author and who deserves credit for work, an author has its own other responsibilities (what exactly is the following has been adapted from Michael Kalichman’s educational material for the University of California, San Diego):

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  • Good writing: Authors must write well and explain methods, data analysis and conclusions so a reader can understand them and then replicate findings. Charts, tables and graphs must also be clear.
  • Accuracy: Although every effort must be built to not have mistakes in a paper, be they in a footnote or from the research itself, unintentional errors creep in. Authors must certanly be careful.
  • Context and citations: The author needs to put research into appropriate context and supply citations within the manuscript that both agree and disagree aided by the work.
  • Publishing negative results: If researchers never publish negative results, it generates a false impression and biases the literature. If results are not published from a drug trial, for example, that either shows a medication doesn’t work or has side effects, clinicians reviewing the literature could get the wrong idea about the medication’s true value. As a result, other researchers may continue with studies about a potentially bad drug.